Are Best Actress Oscar winners in need of premarital agreements?

On Behalf of | Feb 6, 2012 | Firm News

Winning an Oscar is every actor’s dream come true. Achieving such success early in life, however, can be a set-up for a letdown, and there is a surprising link between Best Actress winners and the rates of divorce. So much so, in fact, that women who achieve such success might be well-served by arranging for premarital agreements.

With the Oscars scheduled for later this month, a Forbes article noted research that took a look back – way back – at the apparent trend. But even looking at the winners of the last few years, including Sandra Bullock, Kate Winslet and Hilary Swank, who have all divorced their spouses, it is easy to see the connection.

The study looked at over 750 nominees in both the Best Actor and Best Actress categories from 1936 to 2010. Women who won Best Actress had a staggering 63 percent chance of seeing a marriage fall apart before non-winners. Male winners did not seem affected at all.

One explanation is that men become threatened when their spouses become the breadwinner of the family. Studies have apparently shown that men who make less than their wives are more likely to have affairs, particularly when they are unhappy about their financial standing in the marriage.

Prenuptial agreements, or even postnuptial agreements for those already married, might be wise for women with successful careers. Planning ahead can protect their assets and save future anguish.

Not every winner of the Best Actress Oscar should be worried. There are always exceptions to the trend, such as Helen Mirren and Meryl Streep, who have enjoyed long, happy marriages.

Source: Forbes, “Why do successful women fall victim to the Oscar Love Curse?” Jeff Landers, Feb. 1, 2012
