It is common for many people to think that a father is at a disadvantage when it comes to child custody and parenting time disputes in family law court. For many years there was a presumption – oftentimes thought, not said – that a mother is in a better position to be...
Fathers’ Rights
Active fathers have significant positive impact on their children
Far too often, fathers are overlooked in family law cases. Physical custody is usually given to mothers, and in many instances fathers are given inadequate notice of child custody proceedings. Even fathers who try to be active in their children’s cases are sometimes...
Rights of unwed fathers
Fathers in Texas and elsewhere take on a similar parental role as mothers. Today, they are just as involved in the upbringing, causing more fathers to have this recognized during a divorce or when unwed parents break up. Father’s rights are a growing issue, as fathers...
Can an unmarried father get custody?
As with so many legal questions, the answer to this one is “yes...but.” In terms of getting custody of your child as an unmarried father, yes you can. However, you must first establish paternity of him or her. Perhaps you have already done this by means of...
How can you enforce your visitation rights?
If you are a divorced Texas father who has only visitation time with your children, denial of that visitation time by your children’s mother constitutes a violation of your legal rights. Unfortunately, however, enforcing your visitation rights can prove...
Texas fathers can leave their children an inheritance
Fathers who live in the Dallas area often worry about what will happen to their children in the future, when their parents are no longer around to support them. Whether a father is married, divorced or single, any Texas father can still provide for his children after...
Why should you get a paternity test?
As a father who lives in Dallas, you may be considering getting a paternity test done. There are a number of questions to ask yourself, such as how a paternity test's results can personally impact you and what the potential benefits may be. Here are just a few of the...
Does my name on the birth certificate give me parental rights?
For father's parental rights are incredibly important in Texas. Having these rights allows you to be a part of your child's life and protects you against problems that can arise with the mother. According to the Attorney General, if you are married to the child's...
What issues may fathers fighting for parental rights face?
As a Texan father, you have certain parental rights. Unfortunately, these rights might sometimes be called into question, especially if you're in a strained relationship with the mother of your child. Lisa E. McKnight, PC, is here to help you protect your parenting...
Effective co-parenting for fathers
When Texas residents get a divorce, they are typically still involved in their children's lives. It is important for fathers to understand how they and their ex-spouse can effectively co-parent and create a positive environment for their children.One important aspect...