Attorneys For LGBT Divorce And Child Custody Disputes

When it comes to divorce, lesbian, gay and transgender partners face many of the same challenges that traditional families do. At the law firm of Lisa E. McKnight, P.C., in Dallas, Texas, our attorneys understand that every family is unique and deserves to be treated with care, sensitivity and respect.

In June 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that our Constitution guarantees the right to marriage for everyone, making same-sex marriage legal nationwide. Unfortunately, not all marriages last. When a marriage ends in divorce, our lawyers are here to advise you and protect your interests in issues such as alimony and division of community property and debts.

Same-sex couples may face unique complications regarding child custody, parentage and common law marriage. When children join the family during the marriage through adoption or surrogacy, both partners have parental rights and obligations with respect to child custody and support, and our lawyers can affirm these rights through the court. However, only one parent may be the legal parent of a child or children who arrived before the marriage.

Same-sex partners can become the legal parent of a spouse’s child through adoption.

For advice and services involving a same-sex divorce or adoption, call Lisa E. McKnight, P.C., at 214-306-7588. You may also use our online form.