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Year: 2015

Settling holiday custody battles

A common issue around the holiday season in Texas and around the country involves divorced parents arguing over who gets to spend time with their children. There are several ways that this issue can be addressed. One preferred method is to alternate years that a...

The growing problem of domestic violence

Texas residents may be shocked to learn how serious the problem of domestic violence is in the United States. An individual somewhere in the country becomes the crime victim of an intimate partner every nine seconds or so, and the problem crosses all of the social,...

Guns and domestic violence

Texas residents may want to be aware of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which is dedicated to providing education about the domestic violence issues women in America face, such as being 11 times more likely to be shot and killed...

Texas alimony in divorce negotiations

When the topic of divorce comes up, many Texans wonder how alimony may be awarded and how that will affect their ongoing financial stability after the divorce. Alimony, or spousal support, is different than child support because it is paid directly to the former...

Age may affect ending a marriage

As Texas residents may know, divorce has become more common for couples over the age of 50 than it was previously. An article in the New York Times suggested that one reason is that people in this age group are frequently on their second marriage, and statistics show...

Financial infidelity can predict divorce

Many couples in Texas struggle with their finances. When spouses are not honest with each other about these problems, the result can often be divorce. According to a Kansas State University study, couples that argue over money early in their relationship are more...

Going through a divorce as a company owner

When Texas entrepreneurs are heading towards divorce, they may be worried that the divorce could negatively affect their business. In some cases, there are some valid causes for concern, especially if their spouse was involved in the startup of the business or played...
